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Rapidly create pools of talent with Job Accelerator

By Paul Wahltuch 
Published: February 23, 2023
READ TIME: 2 minutes
The Job Accelerator capability is a key offering of the Potential platform which enables organisations to fill roles curated for a specific project by rapidly creating large pools of talent for particular areas.

This week I'm very excited to share the latest updates to Job Accelerator which are sure to make the creation of these events easier for organisations and the job-seeking experience more informative for candidates.

What's new?

On the candidate side... Individuals will benefit from a much more in-depth look at role or squad requirements, see their own aptitude for a role, the culture fit needs of the organisation and the other team members they’ll be working alongside. 

The candidate view also shows comprehensive training plans so candidates can understand exactly what work they’ll be doing and the professional development they can expect to receive on-the-job.  

The really exciting aspect of the Job Accelerator is that it realises a key part of WithYouWithMe’s vision to allow candidates to apply for jobs knowing that they’re capable of doing the work and understand where their professional development will be headed. 

On the organisation side... You’ve always been able to create projects, but now you can specify the project type – either squad or talent creation program – which opens up the possibility to launch a Job Accelerator for candidates to view. 

When creating the Job Accelerator, you’ll be able to specify key details including the problem type, management methodology and project maturity, all of which factor into the cultural fit presented to candidates. 

You can also create roles with specific learning plans to outline how each role can grow within your organisation and the Capstones required for candidates to demonstrate competency at each stage.  

If you have fresh ideas, feedback or suggestions for the product team, get in touch today.

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