Align your skills framework with SFIA

Build a perpetually ready workforce

The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) Foundation produces the global, industry-recognised skills and competency framework for the digital age.
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Potential maps workforce skills against SFIA, enabling organisations to identify gaps, develop targeted training plans and improve ROI on L&D.

Understanding SFIA

SFIA is a unique skills management tool that provides a common language and structure for defining the professional skills required for roles in the digital world. It helps organisations recruit and retain top talent, as well as providing individuals with a clear roadmap for career development.

The structure of SFIA consists of seven levels of responsibility which enable recognition of career progression and provide a means for existing corporate structures to map against it. The framework also outlines descriptions for more than 120 specific professional skills, broken down across each relevant level of responsibility.
Learn more about SFIA
Skills matrix graphic

Why should you use SFIA to map your workforce skills?

Data-let workforce planning icon
Maintain a consistent measure of ICT skills
Source icon
Understand where gaps exist and the training required to fill them
Solving skills gaps icon
Align your workforce skills against global standards
Skills-based hiring process icon
Enable skills-based recruitment processes
Productivity icon
Accurately measure workforce skills and levels
Accelerate icon
Accelerate digital transformation

Identify skills gaps and training opportunities

Using SFIA levels to inform the skills required for roles within your organisation allows you to maintain a consistent measure of competency, so you can clearly see where gaps exist, and identify which individuals are best suited to fill them.
Why skills map graphic
Talent mobility graphic

Develop talent mobility pathways

Having a comprehensive outline of the skills and competencies required for employees to reach the next level means you can create clear career pathways for professional development and enable talent mobility.

Improve ROI on L&D across your organisation

Identifying the skills your organisation needs means you can develop targeted upskilling programs that align with business needs. Offering access to training opportunities also improves employee attraction, engagement and retention.
Talent mobility graphic
What is skills mapping graphic

Empower hiring teams with definitive role profiles

Clearly defining digital capability requirements using SFIA skills and levels ensures HR have everything they need to develop comprehensive, effective job advertisements when going to market for a new hire.

SFIA is the industry-recognised framework for digital workforce planning

Be future-ready today

SFIA robust skills framework blog card image

Five reasons why every business needs a robust skills framework

Read the blog
SFIA Framework blog card image

SFIA: A framework for the future-proof workforce

Read the blog
HRM Online - Skills mapping article

The business case for skills mapping

Read the article
WithYouWithMe is a Global Accredited Partner of the SFIA Foundation
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Laura Berman, SFIA Accredited Consultant, Regional Account Manager, WithYouWithMe
Laura is a SFIA Accredited Consultant and customer success professional with over 20 years of expertise in the ICT industry, specialising in digital adoption and engagement. She is passionate about harnessing data-driven insights to empower individuals, teams, and organisations to fuel growth and stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving digital skills landscape. Laura excels in leading digital transformation initiatives, enabling organisations to optimise workforce planning, foster continuous learning and development, conduct skills assessments, and enhance talent management.
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Laura Berman profile imageSFIA Accredited Consultant badge
Ian Handley profile imageSFIA Accredited Consultant badge
Ian Handley, SFIA Accredited Consultant, Vice President Oceania, WithYouWithMe
Ian is a SFIA Accredited Consultant and Vice President Oceania at WithYouWithMe. An Australian Air Force veteran and business strategist, Ian combines personal and professional experience to deliver innovative workforce development and recruitment strategies. As a passionate neurodiversity advocate, he is committed to helping organisations unlock the full potential of diverse talent and drive sustainable growth.
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Toby Wolf, SFIA Accredited Practitioner, Account Manager, WithYouWithMe
Toby Wolf is a SFIA Accredited Practitioner and Account Manager at WithYouWithMe, a SFIA-approved partner.

With over 20 years of experience in education, assessment, and moderation, Toby specialises in helping organisations optimise workforce capabilities by accurately identifying, mapping, and developing critical skills. His deep understanding of skills analysis and development enables him to deliver tailored solutions that drive both business success in the tech and digital sectors.
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Toby Wolf profileSFIA Accredited Practitioner badge
Workforce framework for the digital age e-book cover

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Learn how embedding the SFIA framework and skills benchmarks into your organisation will prepare your workforce for the future.
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Want to align your digital capability with the SFIA framework?

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