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SFIA: A framework for the future-proof digital workforce

By Andy Choquette 
Published: February 21, 2023
READ TIME: 3 minutes
Our digital world is one of rapid and constant change. To keep up, organisations need talent with the skills to design, develop, implement, manage and protect the data and technology that powers their success.

The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) was designed to capture and define these competencies.

Simultaneously, untapped talent lies dormant in underserved populations around the world including veterans and their families, neurodivergent individuals, refugees and Indigenous communities.  

SFIA, alongside WithYouWithMe’s (WYWM’s) Potential platform, can play a critical role in transforming the lives of candidates in these marginalised populations and future-proofing the workforce for the information age.  

Understanding SFIA

SFIA is a unique tool that provides a common language and structure for defining the skills required in the digital age. It helps organisations recruit and retain top talent, as well as providing individuals with a clear roadmap for their career development.  

The framework has seven levels of responsibility and covers many skills and behaviours, including: 

  • Technical 
  • Business 
  • Personal 
  • Digital 
  • Leadership 
  • Service management

For individuals, understanding the skills and attributes required across the spectrum of digital roles allows them to identify their core strengths and areas of development, and to focus their efforts on the skills that will be of most value to them.  

For organisations, SFIA helps match staff and candidates’ skill levels to in-demand roles. It brings together professional skills, behaviour and knowledge, and describes the specific requirements at various levels of responsibility.  

Finding people with Potential

WYWM, on the other hand, created the Potential platform to test, train and place candidates from marginalised populations in meaningful and well-paying careers in the private and public sectors.  

Additionally, WYWM provide a wide range of online courses specially designed to ensure individuals acquire the knowledge they need to succeed in digital roles. Individuals are also offered access to mentorship and coaching to help them overcome any obstacles they encounter on their career journey. 

By supporting online learning with hands-on practical experience in new technologies, Potential gives individuals the opportunity to quickly build the skills they need and embark on their chosen careers. 

The recipe for success

Combining SFIA and Potential platform can offer significant benefits to candidates who are often overlooked including:  

  • Identifying candidates’ strengths and weaknesses in relation to marketplace requirements; 
  • Offering the training and practical experience required to succeed and; 
  • Providing a supportive and inclusive environment for those who face barriers to employment including discrimination and a lack of opportunities. 

In addition to creating careers, the combination of these powerful tools will help reduce unemployment rates in marginalised communities by empowering them with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience to succeed.  

WithYouWithMe is a SFIA Global Accredited Partner
Find out more about the SFIA framework →

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SFIA and WYWYM are transforming the way the way organisations find, hire and nurture digital talent, futureproofing the pipeline of digitally literate individuals needed in the public and private sectors. 

By investing in SFIA and Potential, organisations can help to bridge the digital skills gap and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

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