Big 5 personality test

Build a complete  personality profile

WithYouWithMe leverages the globally recognised Big 5 personality traits testing model to understand an individual’s fit-to-role based on the appropriate characteristics required. The Big 5 personality test measures five key traits, each comprising of six facets, allowing organisations to – in a snapshot – understand an individual’s personality type and predict their response to new tasks and working environments.

What is the Big 5 personality test?

The Big 5 or Five Factor Model is the most widely accepted scientific methodology for identifying human personality traits and understanding the relationship between personality and academic behaviour.

The model was first put forward in 1958 but only recognised and researched more broadly by scholars and scientists in the 1980’s and 1990’s. By placing individuals on a spectrum based on how they exhibit each trait, the Big 5 model provides a comprehensive personality profile.
Big 5 personality model types

In modern iterations, the five personality traits that are recognised to encompass all others are:

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People high in openness to experience like to learn new things, have strong imaginations and enjoy new experiences. They tend to be more creative, open to ideas and are curious about the world. They are also aware of and express their emotions with ease.
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Conscientiousness relates to the way people control, regulate and direct their impulses. People high in conscientiousness are reliable and prompt, typically having strong self-control, common sense and an innate drive to achieve success. They are also well organised, make plans and are mindful of deadlines.
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Extraversion measures sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and emotional expression. Those high in extraversion enjoy interacting with others and are perceived as full of energy, whereas introverts need less stimulation and are more comfortable working alone.
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Agreeableness reflects individual differences in general concern for social harmony. Individuals high in agreeableness are friendly, cooperative, compassionate and dislike confrontation while those low in this trait tend to be more competitive and care less about what others think.
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Neuroticism measures an individual’s emotional stability and the degree to which they are impacted by negative emotions like anxiety, anger, depression and self-consciousness. Those who are low in this trait tend to be more stable and emotionally resilient in the face of changing circumstances.
In an employment context, the Big 5 model provides insight into a person’s underlying character that may otherwise remain hidden in traditional talent screening processes. An informed understanding of an individual’s personality traits allows interviewers to explore any areas of concern. Commonly used in the military, the Big 5 model reduces risk when recruiting for high-value roles.

Key insights provided

Potential leverages insights from the Big 5 model to uncover leadership potential, identify individual fit-to-role and measure suitability for specific team environments.
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Identify individual and team propensity for productivity

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Understand individual alignment with existing teams or managers

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Identify possible personality clashes

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Build more cooperative and productive teams

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Understand individual motivations

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Identify innate leadership potential

Map the personality traits of your people

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