Carla Cyr profileArchetype Doer banner

Accepting change and embracing challenge

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I have a career, a direction in life and work for a company that not only understands me, but also accepts me for who I am, flaws and all.

- Carla Cyr

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Meet Carla

Carla, a mother of two and Canadian military spouse, had plans to pursue a career in healthcare. Having previously trained as a practical nurse, her eventual goal was to gain a Masters in nursing.

Carla’s career aspirations were suddenly cut short, and her life turned upside down by a cross-country posting and a medical emergency that resulted in her developing PTSD.
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Carla's journey

Feeling lost and unsure of what to do following her diagnosis, Carla stumbled across a post about WithYouWithMe on a military spouse Facebook group. Having no experience in tech but recognising her need for a good challenge, Carla threw caution to the wind and signed up for Potential.

Upon logging on and completing her aptitude testing, Carla was overwhelmed at first but quickly found her stride, blasting through the Service Delivery pathway, consuming heaps of new information and finding the challenge she’d been searching for.

Having originally signed up in August, Carla found herself two months later interviewing for and accepting her first role as a System Administrator.
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WYWM’s aptitude testing identified Carla as a Doer, someone who thrives on being able to execute and deliver on tasks. Highly conscientious and motivated, Carla was matched to the Service Delivery and Robotic Process Automation Pathways.
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My first contact with WYWM was Angela Amati. She was instrumental in helping me find my way forward through the Service Delivery pipeline and was able to match my strengths and weaknesses into a job and a team that she knew I would succeed with.
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A new path forward

While completing her training with WYWM and throughout her tenure as a System Administrator, Carla has been through multiple military separations and deployments.

The flexibility of her position allowed her to make it through solo parenting moments with less stress and working from home enabled her to better manage her child’s needs and even go back to school.

Carla is now a SharePoint/System Administrator working on projects for the Canadian Armed Forces. Carla credits WYWM with giving her a new lease on life and helping her through her battle with PTSD. Every day is a new adventure that she is excited to take on.

Want to kickstart your new career?

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Bridge your digital skills gap while making a positive social impact.