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Through our guidebooks, research and various commissioned reports, we aim to educate, inform and inspire our community to implement skills-based employment practices.

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AI resources

Being human in an AI world white paper cover
White paper

Being human in an AI world

Why diversity in the workforce is a strategic imperative for the future of work.
AI guidebook cover

Establishing an AI-ready workforce

A complete guide to skilling your people for AI augmentation.

Veteran hiring guide

Mission critical: The complete guide to hiring veterans

How to build a long-lasting and impactful veteran employment program
Foreword by Sir James Everard, Former Deputy Allied Supreme
Commander, NATO & Strategic Advisor, WithYouWithMe
Read now
Veteran hiring guide cover

Tech Apprenticeship hiring guide

A guide to building an effective and meaningful Tech Apprenticeship Program

A pathway to bridge the digital skills gap and level up the workforce
Foreword by Vicki Greene, President of GED Testing Service® and SVP Workforce Skills
Read now
Tech Apprenticeship hiring guide cover
UK Veterans Report cover image

A new frontier for diversity in the digital workforce

Revealing untapped veteran potential
From National Cyber Force to National Cyber Competence report cover

From National Cyber Force to National Cyber Competence

Bringing people to the forefront


Here you will find a range of documents designed to give insight into our methods, products and services. Whether you're a new member of our community, or just looking to learn more about WithYouWithMe, these resources are a great place to start.

WYWM corporate overview

An in-depth look at who we are, what we do and how we do it.

WYWM: A quick intro

The short, sharp version of our corporate overview.

Core product offerings

A deep dive into our two core products – Discover Potential and Grow Potential.

One-pager for defence and government

A quick overview of WYWM and the benefits we can provide defence forces and governments.

Our social value

Discover how WYWM delivers social value to both the organisations we partner with and the underserved communities we support.

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