Workforce management

Building a skills-based workforce for one of Australia’s largest retailers

From skills mapping to skill development and mobility, learn how WYWM is enabling one of Australia's largest retailers to embed skills organisation-wide.

5 reasons traditional job descriptions don’t apply to the modern workforce

The way we work is changing rapidly. Yet, the tool many organisations use to hire and manage their talent – the traditional job description – is stuck in the past.

Tapping into the new collar workforce

Characteristic of fields like cyber security, data analytics and digital marketing, the ‘new collar’ workforce are a set of modern workers in high demand and the skills they need can be easily taught with targeted, rapid training programs.

The business case for skills mapping

WithYouWithMe Social Impact Lead Cia Kouparitsas explores the role of skills mapping in preparing workforces for the future and driving digital transformation.

The first step towards true talent mobility

As part of an enterprise engagement with a global leader in Defence and Security, WYWM have built an organisation-wide skills and competency framework capable of enabling true talent mobility.

Fujitsu unearths quiet talent and boosts internal hires by 12%

With a firm goal of achieving 50% internal hires for open roles, Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand is looking inward to uncover talent hidden and train individuals to tackle in-demand roles.

Fujitsu draws on untapped talent pools to help bridge the digital divide

Fujitsu Australia and New Zealand is building a pipeline of diverse digital talent to address their skills gaps, drive digital transformation and ensure the organisation is prepared for the future.

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